You’ve probably got a clear idea of where you see your business in 5 years. Many companies we work with have all the dedication and enthusiasm required to drive the business forward, but struggle when it comes to defining the right approach, and then turning these ideas into actions.
Working with the right marketing team means you can tap into just the skills you need to start ticking off your business goals. This could include everything from carefully crafted strategy to intuitive web design, engaging social media activity, eye-catching printed materials and beyond.
As a full service marketing agency in Cornwall, we know several very important things. We can tell you where to get the best pasties in the land, that it’s always Jam First when it comes to a cream tea, and we also know the marine industry.
As experienced sailors and seafarers, every member of the Fastnet team is passionate about living life on, in or beside the sea, so we’re perfectly placed to deliver jargon-free marketing to the marine sector.
Account Manager Amy at the Dart 18 South West Championships | Out on the water filming with our client Bowman Yacht Charters
We speak your language
When you’re looking to communicate directly with your target audience, you need the confidence that your marketing team will understand what you’re trying to say. Choosing a marine specialist marketing agency means you can have the confidence that we speak your language.
We understand your industry
By bringing together individuals with experience across the spectrum, from leisure to commercial marine, you can enjoy complete peace of mind that we know all the little details that will help to make your marketing activity a success. This includes where your potential customers are, how best to interact and engage with them and where you can really add value to their experience in order to build your brand. This also means that….
We know the challenges you face
Whether it’s funding, the economic climate, seasonality or even just the weather (which in Cornwall we know well as we have a lot of it!) when you work in the marine industry we know you’re faced by a unique set of challenges. We recognise the obstacles you face and can help create tactics and strategies to ensure you can safely navigate around them.
We know the right people
Working in the marine industry for many years means that we’ve got to know a lot of other brilliant companies and individuals, including those in the media, suppliers and influencers. We know there is a real strength in community, so bringing all these different resources together benefits everyone and helps to build the marine sector as a whole.
We’re always on the lookout for exciting new projects, companies and campaigns to get involved with, so if you’ve got big ideas that you want to bring into reality, give us a call to get started.